ESC Alpine is proud to have an exceptional coaching team and a dedicated group of volunteers.

All coaches are certified and in good standing with our provincial sports organization, Alberta Alpine. Communication between the ESC Alpine Board of Directors and Coaching Staff is important to our athlete’s success. A major thank you to our volunteer coordinators, registrar and board of directors. Without you, our club would not be the positive experience it is today!

2023-2024 Senior Coaching Staff



Andrea Veale

Technical director & u14 Coach

Sue Greenberg

U16+ PROGRAM Head Coach

Rip Pridday


2023-2024 BOARD of DIRECTORS

Jessica Palsat, President

Keith Willie, Vice President

Claire Devaney, Past President

Erin Pollock, Secretary

Jeff Blerot, Treasurer

Jordan Hannigan, Assistant to the Treasurer

Marek Warshawski, Alpine Chair

Casey Marshall, Member at Large

Member at Large, Vacant

Member at Large, Vacant